Authorized Overtake Availability: YES
PGL Evening Cycle Volumes
Evening Increased Max: 20,000
Evening Decrease Max: 20,000
Advisory Notice:
All shippers are advised that the point caps have been raised starting Tuesday, November 26th.
“We are aware of issues that are causing meter use to not be available for recent Gas Days. We are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible”
Super Pool Selection window is NOW open
Minimum Inventory Requirement Super Pool Selection
Opens: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Closes: Sunday, December 1, 2024
Super Pool Membership Results Available: TBA
Nov. Min. AB Purchase Quantity Determined: TBA
Please contact Gas Transportation Services with any Super Pooling questions at or 800-264-8026.
Imbalance Trade Window
Opens: TBA
Closes: TBA
Premise Billing Began: November 6th.
Please contact Gas Transportation Services with any Super Pooling questions at or 800-264-8026.
Customer Choice Daily Nomination Requirements: If the Daily Nomination Requirements are not set to REQUIRED status by 8:30am CST please deliver to the Forecasted numbers, any numbers that are viewed prior to 8:30 am CST are subject to change.
ANR Pipeline to the North Shore Gas System will be limited to 10,000 MMBtu's per day
ALNC Pipeline to the Peoples Gas system will be limited to 120,000 MMBtu’s per day
ANR Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 100,000 MMBtu's per day
GUAR Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 0 MMBtu's per day
MIDW Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 0 MMBtu's per day
NB Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 100,000 MMBtu's per day
TRNK Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 0 MMBtu's per day
VECT Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 100,000 MMBtu's per day
KMIP Pipeline to the Peoples Gas System will be limited to 100,000 MMBtu's per day
These limits will remain in place until further notice
Timely, Evening & Intraday: Alejandro Rosales (708) 606-4836
Weekend: Alejandro Rosales (708) 606-4836
This gas day notice is updated by 8:30 a.m. CST. and may change at any time without notice.